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Book Cover Spread - layout. Right is front and left is back of my books cover.
I am but a Leaf,
From the Soil of Our Life Time.
Your Roots took Me in,
Your Trunk lifts Me to the Heavens.
Born on a branch of Your Love,
You gave Me a Home,
Which I’d never known.
I will nurture You
from the Sun
of Our Life Time.
I will Give what can never be Stolen.
I will Give more than I Take.
When the Fall comes,
as I am pulled from You by the Winds,
I will Caress Your limbs and trunk
as I fall to the ground
that harbors Your Roots.
I promise to Return to You,
again through the Earth
Of our Next Lifetime.
We will be together
Once more
as It is meant To Be.
© Seeking, To Be Found. Jack Brady,
All Rights Reserved 5-1-2021
Having just arrived at my site, you might be asking:
"Just what is 'Seeking, To Be Found.'© and why should I care?"
Simply put, FEELINGS, Lessons Learned!
Visual, audible, sensual, solitary.
To be seen, read, and just maybe "heard and felt".
"Seeking, To Be Found." is my book of poetry, rantings and photography from a
Lifetime of Seeking.
My poetry and photographs are a reflection of my journey into Self, learning how to move beyond the "Hell of Childhood" and create "Heaven" while I'm Mortal, yet never having known "Home", other than what I created within as a Child that is all that still nurtures me today.
In my book, I present a collection of my poetry mated to a photograph that carries in my mind a complimentary emotional message, one that I hope you can feel, yet some I hope you have never known.
The book is hard cover and printed in full color, though some images are in B&W as I feel it coveys more what I felt when I clicked the shutter. The book is 8.5" high and 11" wide.
My poems and writings have been written during the last 20 years, but some of the photographs go back much further as my passion for "seeing" shared through photography goes back to my early 20's.
None of what is written and now shared in my book was ever meant to be seen by others! The photos, yes, but never my words - they would expose too much of what is implied in my photos.
Over just the last couple of years I found myself opening up and sharing some of my writings with two of my best friends, Clyde and Niki. Over time and after their insistence that I share with all, "Seeking, To Be Found." emerged.
What did I learn from compiling the photos with the words?
My Life has been a journey where my feelings as a child morphed into my photos and subsequently flowed into the words I would be haunted by during my sleep, that I later put pen to paper and wrote.
Have I given you what is needed for you to see what might be found in my book?
Probably not, but just maybe the books "Foreword", written the two of my best friends that convinced me to compile the book, Clyde and Niki Butcher, noted world famous photographers and environmentalist, says it better:
When Clyde and I crossed paths with Jack, little did we know what an educational and
emotional highlight in our lives he would become! Our lively conversations have ranged from
technology, to photography, to philosophy, and can last for hours.
In time, Jack began sharing his poems with us, I found them very inspirational.
He seemed to pour out poetry that explored the spectrum of life as he experienced it.
It was as though he was working through the joys, sorrows, trauma, and anger by writing poetry.
His poetry rubbed up against and exposed his soul.
Every time I read a poem Jack sent to us, I thought of all of us who have suffered trauma
in our lives and how we all would benefit from reading his poetry.
Reading about his battle to defeat the difficult times and finding joy in his life is
a gift of shared experience and encouragement.
With that thought in mind, I suggested to Jack that he create a book of his poems and
“Seeking, To Be Found” came into existence.
The adventure of creating a book is an art form by itself and one that Jack thoroughly enjoyed.
It takes teamwork, and we as well as his other friends, gladly gave our opinions and suggestions,
but Jack's book is in the end, his. His very personal expression of his life, his experience.
I'm thankful that Jack made an effort to accomplish this task, for we all need to listen and
take into our hearts the messages of his poetry.
Clyde and Niki Butcher"